A common mistake amongst many new businesses is to use freebie templates for business cards. There’s an understandable appeal to save a small amount of money by doing so. Unfortunately, this is also a surefire way to discredit your business. When you hand out a business card with a design that others have already used, you’re missing out on an important opportunity to create brand recognition, opting instead to be identified as another generic business.
Fortunately, there’s a solution, and it’s very simple. Create original, custom business cards. It’s that easy. The benefits of doing so are plentiful as business cards continue to be relevant marketing tools in today’s workplace– carrying with them many lasting effects.
You only have one chance to make a good first impression. It’s this initial impression that a potential customer will use to form their basis of you, your business, and your services– and your business card absolutely contributes towards this impression. Because of this, an original business card is one of the first steps toward creating stronger buyer confidence with your customers.
Your business card is also, in many cases, the only tangible item that a new business contact takes away from an initial meeting. This is significant, as it will become influential in how the contact remembers you. As a result, it plays a significant role towards any future opinions regarding your services, and ultimately, contributes towards whether a second meeting is scheduled.
Finally, every business will have their share of competitors, which makes it important to set yours apart from them. Using your business card as a creative extension of your brand will not only present your business in a positive light, but it can do so in a memorable way as well. It’s as simple as combining a high quality, recycled paper with a strong design and a clear message. Doing so cannot only make your business card, but also your business, stand out from the crowd.
So, toss aside those freebie templates and stop using those low quality cards with the advertisements on the back. Instead, begin reaping the benefits of using an original, custom business card.