
Do you have a project you’d like to discuss? I love to be hired! Feel free to contact me if you’d like to work together. Offering, but not limited to:

  • Web Design

    A beautiful website with strong code is an essential component for any successful business. Creating attractive, usable, search-engine-friendly websites is a passion of mine. Let’s create a professional and elegant website together and make an impression on your customers today.
  • WordPress

    Take control of your website with WordPress. Whether you want a website, blog, or a simple to use content management system, WordPress does it all. As a free, scalable service, WordPress allows for website design as simple or as complex as needed. See for yourself why WordPress is my preferred option for launching stylish, easy to update websites.
  • SEO

    An essential component of any website is to bring an audience to it. Working with your business goals, I put together a plan that results in higher search engine results which leads to increased traffic. This can include targeting meta data, optimized landing pages, keyword research, Google Analytics and more.
  • Training

    I offer training on all aspects of how to use your new website. Through a personalized Skype session, I share my screen and walk through any step you’ll need to know. There’s always time for any questions you may have. A customized pdf is also created to be used as reference after our session.